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What kind of house is suitable for decoration and design home theater?

Many people who are obsessed with movies and music want to install a private theater at home so that they can feel the joy of movies and music at any time. However, there is another question that bothers everyone, that is, what kind of room is suitable for a private theater. Although many people say that any room can be installed with a private cinema, people still think that there will be a best location. What kind of room is it? Today, Zhongle Yingyin, a professional private theater decoration design expert, will give you a brief introduction, hoping to help you.

Private cinema is a structural design of analog cinema and KTV, combined with some family needs. It is still different from traditional theaters and KTVs. If you make a private theater in the living room, study room, or bedroom, the space is limited and the number of people’s seats is limited. If you want more people to watch movies and karaokes, it is best to find a place with a relatively large space to install a private theater. Therefore, if people have enough budget and space, they can use a room as a private theater audio-visual room, which is about 20 square meters.

home theatre

No matter how good the room is, design is key

The quality of a private cinema is not only related to the choice of room, but also mainly related to the design and decoration of the private cinema. Private cinemas nowadays are not put together by simple equipment like before. Professional audio-visual engineers are required to design and decorate the room, perform acoustic treatment and aesthetic design to ensure people’s environment and mood when watching movies.

As the name suggests, a private cinema is a cinema at home, so putting a room for a private cinema is the first issue that everyone must consider. Many people want perfect audio-visual effects, so they ask professional audio-visual professionals what kind of room is most suitable for installing a private theater. In fact, from the general analysis, any room in the family can be built into a private theater. Study room, bedroom, living room, even basement, loft can be used. However, if people have higher requirements for private theaters and want to pursue the most perfect audio-visual effects, it is recommended that users can set aside a room to install a private theater.

Post time: May-24-2021